Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 13, 29 Iulai 1936 — JODGE METZER GOES TO HONOLULU [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


An oi\3cr apiK)inting' jutlgc Dolb('i't E. Alctzci-, of tho l'ourth einuiil court of Hilo, as suī>stitutc judgc of the first circuit court to take over the bcnch left vacant by llie ī eoeiU ileath of Jutlge \onnan 1). Godbokl, was signccl last weeli by Chief Justlc Jaincs L. Coke. ,

Judgc Metzer, who was in Honolulu when thc tcmporary appointniont was madc, took ovcr /lxis dutics immcdiately. Tho reason givcn for the substitute uppoint.ed was that the calender of the first circuit court is congested, many pending matters needing immt?diate attention. Although the appointmcnt was of a temporar,y nature, the movc was interepretd l>v some Honolulu lawyers as indicating that Judg i 51etzer may he recoumiēnded to Washington as the successor to Judge Godbold.