Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 13, 29 July 1936 — Drive Against Goats By CCC [ARTICLE]

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Drive Against Goats By CCC

In a fight to keep thc wiW goats and shccp from dcstroying the fori'sts of Hawaii l»y nibbliug thc younger tre<>s, 40,O(K) of the formcr arc to l>e killcd nt onee. Thc task, whieh has Imhm» givcu to the G(3C, is a part of thc samc fight in Hawaii whieh cvcry na~ tion makcs to insuitī inoisturc for thc soll and prcvcnt thc cvcntual dust storms of the Middle W cst of America. Thc fifst c{Tect. t'o hri«£ tlie rapidl # v mult;ij>lying wikl shccpand goats undcr control will l>e iiunle on a tract of aercs of young forost. A she»>p prt«>f fcncc of mile UJx ing btuH around it, and \nhen*" e ( mipict >d (he task <*f rounding uj\ and kil! ing the wild |uiimals jn thc en eliwuipe will 1«' tmdertHk« !K Tho N»nir thr wil! I»e rc|>oftted in othcr distri« t nf the Amorioan FonM He-< rve thwu fi h otit tho islands.

Tho Kulm\y wN proh«h)y Ik« irtuv<l !«<*■ '» trW w««rntrnil \s