Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 13, 29 Iulai 1936 — MRS. CUNNINGHAM TO BE CANDIDATE FOR UPPER HOUSE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Mrs. Sarali Cunm"gham, popular Hilo Dcmorrat. announal her candiflacv last Thurs,la.v for tho Senate on the Pemocr&tic tic ket, 'thereby oonfirming runiors that have bcon going thc rounds for some time. Mrs. Cunningham, āfter lx>ing urged to run by a host of friends has finally (lcci(lefl. She hus thc assurance of thc supiwrt of niaTiy j>rominent poople of (ho Rig Island She was born in Hilo, April.t). 1894, and has boon idontifiod with politics sinco 1926 and was assistant campaign manager for tho I)o--mocratic party. Sho is still a young woman and holds tho uniquo distir*ction of boing thc Only Hilo woman t,o shakc thc hand of Pf©sident Franklin D. Rooscvelt.

- Mrs Cunninglmni wh«n only 16 ycars of was nssociatocl'' "with' the okl Hawaii Herald anel lator with thc Hawiui Tolephonc Coir,pany as chiof operator for sovōn yēars. For 13 months sho hoW the pOsition of act ingpostraistress at Hilo with wonderfn! efficione,y, until hcr roplacement as tho result of politiciil favoritisni. |

She is thc wifo of Su ])crcisoiThomas Cunnmgham and the mother -of four sons and h daughters. For the past f< \\ years, except during the time she was postniistress, she was stcnogra]>hev and bookeoper iu her !mshinKl V ofßce. Bhe and her hus — band oWh the City Transfcr, W Hilo.

Jfor tho pflst wccks Mrs. C\innmghsun has been visitihg around tho islan<3 an<l has receivetl mueh cncouragemcnt among thc voters, an<l it is belicvcd that shc has an cvcn ehanee of hcirg electcd.