Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 13, 29 Iulai 1936 — Lyman Ashes Buried Here [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Lyman Ashes Buried Here

Tho ashos of Xoruian K. Lynian who diod last wwk Wetlaesvta,v niorning at tho QueonV hospituK was brought horo b,v his brothov> l)avi»l Lyinan of Honolulu, ;«nl sister, Mi*s. Jamos Roi<3 of Hilo Buria! was hokl Saturda;f aftornooii 171 tho family "plot in the Ho melanī et v nitory. Fnnei-al sorvieo ? %vore at 2 o>lock Th\irsday afternoon at tho Williara mortuary. Mr. L.vman was tho \ciOowor of tho lato Emnialine Brown Ljman. Survinjr relativos aro Mrs, Jair.es Roid, Hiehanl, Davi<l, Thornton and Lt Ooi. Albert and CharK> Lyman.