Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 13, 29 Iulai 1936 — Lyman Ashes Buried Here [ARTICLE]
Lyman Ashes Buried Here
Tho ashos of Xoruian K. Lynian who diod last wwk Wetlaesvta,v niorning at tho QueonV hospituK was brought horo b,v his brothov> l)avi»l Lyinan of Honolulu, ;«nl sister, Mi*s. Jamos Roi<3 of Hilo Buria! was hokl Saturda;f aftornooii 171 tho family "plot in the Ho melanī et v nitory. Fnnei-al sorvieo ? %vore at 2 o>lock Th\irsday afternoon at tho Williara mortuary. Mr. L.vman was tho \ciOowor of tho lato Emnialine Brown Ljman. Survinjr relativos aro Mrs, Jair.es Roid, Hiehanl, Davi<l, Thornton and Lt Ooi. Albert and CharK> Lyman.