Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 13, 29 July 1936 — Hite Proclaims Election Dates [ARTICLE]

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Hite Proclaims Election Dates

Honolulu, «Tuly 2o —Proclama tions for tho prilnary oloctions oj Saturday, Octobcs 3, woro signc( yesterday by l>oth .acting (Jovor nor CharJes M. 11it.2 and ]Mayoi \Vright, Thoir issuuuco wa; routine. The proclamation issuod ror th« Territory called for tho oloctiot of two senators from Hawaii, t\\\ from* Maui, three from Oahu aru one ,from Kauai. It also oalkn for the electian of 30 roprcson tatives, four eaeh thc first an<, socond districts on līawaii, si> t"rom t.ho third district on Maui six oaeh from t-hr fourt-h and fiftl MMrirN on Oahu and lo,it iroii. Kauai. :x:—»-«4.-.