Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 13, 29 Iulai 1936 — Savage Slaying By Spaniards [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Savage Slaying By Spaniards

A horrif.ving dcscription of eon ditions in Barcclona was givcn h,v 1,100 Frcnch rcfugccswho rcachcd Marseillcs aboard a spccially chartercd stcamcr. They cstimated that 8,(«K) pcrsons had bccn killcd in sayagc strcct fighting thcre.

1 Thc.v said that thrcc Jcsmt | priests had l>cen bchcadcd and rthcir hen l;s paradcd ttiroiigh thc I stroots oii h silvcr j)la<tcr. Xuns i were stnppcd of thcir clothing and thrown nudc into the strccts from convents, it was assertcd. Up to Friday last unofficial cstimates placed thc numlK 4 r of 'persons killed in thc current rc • hellion in Spain at bctwccn 20,000 and