Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 12, 22 Iulai 1936 — Actress To Give Wealth To Poor [ARTICLE]
Actress To Give Wealth To Poor
\ A nn«l ponoii in hor hnn>l, Elnio ,lanls, > \sv\votho;vrt , j of tlu* A,■ K. F,, wawloml throujīh lorooi*i maiision m Turrytown, N, V, the otherdfty, takinjx invontory of her worclly * iwssessioJis whieli she i»roiK>sos to sell to hoeumo ;i honofactross to iho poor. * fc LittU' Elsio," the ,sj>arkliu>j eomo(lionnio of th<> WorM W:ir, who nnuio fatalistio Y:mkoo< for tiio horrors of tho i.nvn«'ho> wi(h hoi' iuimiory uml souy: Ih li'o. ' tho liuos, has ploiljxo<l h« r>i if !<> a oaroor ol' ohai ily,
S!i«' «I«tIui;os th;U sh« ( iīs «:ou - su u*''l h.v th«' (losi;n' to "ii s t *itn ti»injr swoll, k * hnt shr w;uits m> |>ut'lirify. 4 Mi** 3ntns wonhl st'i" :i<> ono, Ikil sln k sont ?» noto it> .? NVw V«»rk ho\vs|mijM'i' roj»t»ridr whioh 4> My IVrtv. I % t« iu>t ot»!tt}iniS ī'n» tjikii)jr inv«'nti>ry :u>>! \\>>ik : on » stor,v an»! ! !mvo no iosii o f«4S p»h!ioit.v. I know that *utoK
liko tho Mtn nr«nu\«! !»i'i U'ii\»! iho il i> iho tr*tt,h." ! H, . r\!>l;i'Pt< .s- lnl" ... i ; ī int>ir o>n t«> tiso }H»Oi >! .(> | I '*! w;iut ī«» *!o M M »ot! iii," V:. | , \\t!!;r»\o ni«> -a r«&««n .t. ' ! i»\ itur," -ho * vj»l;iutio»l. "I wo.-i' tti i.t rhsi.!|fu u#i s .«h',.' 1 5 Sj|V 4ht<-htU |||» Iol)on\ t >» t' i | in|<«ht'ūou i»i tli. Hilili . - !; tii> i•> tt» tho ji»*,».*»i'. i , \ ■ i !.in I *\ 0(t 1* *>< * |> .[ \ i.n ui.\ m |f, < vot | t.t !u\ ,1. : V . JH l».i i 1 : J 5 4 k ■ , : i IVM*| 11» O J'. *t tii» if. 1 it«* . ■ SIĪ! "|.ttt'i !*l-tt . * ? k* , t',. - |
for thirto ,vours," shc iloeliiml, My doci.sion \vus h{tscd on divino in*piration.* ,
Antunir tho j>osscssions whioh sho intoii(!s to soll for oharital»lo ]Miri>osvs is tJio UpiK'i- 'Muihh* Housc in 'rarrytown whieh was huilt in tho l"th wntury by Loixl I* rot!ori«'k Miss Janis will i>orsonally oomluel a-i auotion ol* tho furhishin<r 011 tho lawn of thi- ostato \vithin >cvcml wocks.