Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 12, 22 Iulai 1936 — Warships coming [ARTICLE]
Warships coming
Bcvend submanncs and des - troyers :u*e tluc to arrivc in Hilo soon. Almost th" entjre l*acific flwt arrived in Honolulu last week and will «ome tinir in Hawaiian waters but m» eap'Ual ships :U-e ex pe«t»d to visit
A «>n was b<irn to Mr. Mrs. <>f llilo, Bntur*lay i«orning at nt tho HiKvMt*»»»orial ho-<j>itul. Awl s<-»n i\oh\fx uioolw Mr. Nn«}H- whh Uu' vm\