Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 12, 22 July 1936 — "Indian Givers" Get Baby Back [ARTICLE]

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"Indian Givers" Get Baby Back

i Annctta Mao Ke]logg, 0nl t v a I ie.w \vcck> olil, of Kal:unazoo, LMichi«ran, is !»uck home aftor hor f parcnts. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ko!log rcijrotto(l "tritUing M tho phil<l to its aiuil aiul nnek' for a "fc»\v .pioeea of furniture.'"' Tho chid ha<l l>ccn givon to Mr. | tvn<l Mrs. Karl Kello<j;g, whon it was onl,v four dii.v> olil. Tho foster i«ironts !cft for California. Tho chikl\s parcnts exi>lained t!io,v \vcre unablc to care for u bab t v, bcinir on rclicf. Latcr thoy bo<.anie rcnior>cful itnd notifio<l l»olioc, who loealoil tho ehikl \vith its now paronts at :t Lansing toui'i>t eanip, Thc foster parents readil,v £ave tho baby to its roul f;ith('r.