Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 15 July 1936 — Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters


Palaee attraetions this eomiiig wwk. T<xln,v for the last ti«ies '\SIIE," with Ilelen Gahagan aiul Ranilolph Seott. ThursUay an<l Fri»!ay Richar<l Dix aiul Liula Hvams in, "YELL(>U' I)UST/ Saturdiiy only Ervin S. Oobb i(i• ~EYERYnOI>Y\SOU> MAX'\ Sumlay starts the si>eei:il showing of Shirky Temple in, t4 CAPTATX JANUARY*\ willi re#ulrtr ;matine(' an<l two ev<'Jiin<j shows. Morulay will !h- s[M-rinl uiatim < s it 1<» A.M. 12 Noon aml a:HOP.M. witli one evenin£ *show at 7-.'V> f"*eml th»' ki<l»li< s to the KlK'Cial inalinoo on Mt>n<lny. Tmvsilay an<! \Ve<lnes<lay, **K!N(i OK BCI{LKSgrF;\ with Warn< i Ha\ter an<l a lar£o east of stars.


l , ':nt«ii« i 'VH* :»l to ihl,V f»Hf} tonT«>n'o\\ Joi> r nn«l .13ii-k ()uki« ( ,with u 1?» i*tT«' iu 4 \ 'ULLKtiE IMIYTHM". Fi>li*\ u»«l S»ttiv<l:».v >* Kilipino I»rt»pv3»in. "ANAK N<l I*AH?.. Sun HIV Mon<ln\ :» slvoim .louliW ImII «»f, *T.Wir IN rm AlH % \ Sti*l»it»4: l«w A\l«'V :iUtl Hhv »n>i t!»r **voiJ f»»«t»m' ih* v p»i»ulur \Y.Mrnt *t»r. Hnrk »louos in M\H H!*l t»AM>S M . only J«.tu lVw»l<! W O<h|V |n "AS niEKAiwn ivkw*