Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 15 Iulai 1936 — New Comet Is Visible Here [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

New Comet Is Visible Here

Afrort!in£ to \voixl froiu Honoh>h> ?> »»nv <.Vi!>covv. i tvvl U.v C. Poltier>s Ohio gurugv < v njj)loy<«, i> now viiīil>le to Hawail am!\tvnr astronomers. It eaii l)e nftor mivli)ight 111 the eon - stell»itiou C\issiopeia, just north of thf *V.hair" aiul in August sho»l<! !>e visil>le l>y ten o'eloek uaeh nijrht. The ecusfc>]lation Cassiojx ia ris*»v ]au- ui the eastern tsk.y aikl the oonu t is iuovin£ s!o\v% to the southe;ist.