Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 15 Iulai 1936 — Test shipment Will Be Made [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Test shipment Will Be Made

>shii»ncnt> of eueuniI« i rs īn staiuīard i'ontainors wiil 'k' stHi , .toi.{ froin Uilo this week iiiuk'i' a j<«nt- pn>ject of tho UnivH'isit,v of llawaii aiul tho IntvrIsia)ul i-owcrs JScrvi<_'c, according to H.B. Cmly, leaeh'i' of the Uni\orsit.v truck c*rop j)roject aud Hoss H. Gast nuuui<r* r of the lu. Uii'-I.4and's jrr o \ V ci-s sorvice departnionf wlio wciv visitors in Hilo Sutui (l:i.\-. 'Hh' woi-k. \vi]| |je in im.mediato ehur<xo ol' Shiro Kanoinani. oi the l,"nivcrsity staff, who. will lu' Ktatioiß'u in Iluwiui for sover!il,nioiitiis. In addition to V.)lcano eu'ltmU'rs, tho iooj»crativo test fhiiuuont projeot will direct eabln\ire i'iom W uimoa, us well as othcr vo<£etahles jrrown in that •!istriet. Catly aikl (iast- spent Monday and Tuosda,\- in W'aimea and are o\{n'ctrd iwek in llilo tomorrow. They aro uccotupanied by •S. 1 uruer, troasurer of the Inter-IslaiKl Steam Navigation Ck»inimny, Ltd.