Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 15 Iulai 1936 — Playground To Continue Open [ARTICLE]
Playground To Continue Open
Tiio wiil continuo o}K«n iit tho Waiuki'a Sottioniont oaeh moiniuo- l'ioni '.):00 to unlil iho niiiMlo of Auj;nstf Tho bo.vs will I.ll' uiKtor tho sn{»orvi>ion of A!oy Ah Mui und ,lir<> KuiU'o ui'ul tho will in.' in <?hur«ro of Miss Mai/.io Kuwamuni. P>;isci>ui!, buskotUul! uiui volloyhull \\ ili i>c spon>omt lor U)th l>o.vs an«! ijirls. A pai.uilo tonnis tournunu'iil wi.th ot!ior plu,vjrroimds is so!i<'dulo(.l for t.ho nour fut«ro ain.l it :s thut ovor,vono turn oul. for j>racti« o. Tho Huo!i< !or utvd tho liluo Triunyio clu!»s willlioklan importuut joint inooti!if* t!iis ovonin<r at tho Sottlomont to muko j>lans fur t!:o v. vok-oii;I tnp to Kuwaihao «!\i!\ v _V> and jt- is iuiportunt thut «!! !i!rnilK'rs attond.