Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 8 July 1936 — Application For Station Denied [ARTICLE]

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Application For Station Denied

The communicatlops eommist>ioii ut AYujshiugfc>ii 011 Fiiviay hust v]<. nio«l an appUealion of tho Adv»«rtistM- Pul)Hshing Co. of Ho!>oh?lu for a ix>rnnt to ostal>lish a r.o>v l>ro:ulcnst station. Thf eommis>~ion % s announeomont jrnvo onl,v its t!eeision of tho iloniah to !>o ra;ulc offootivo SopīomK'»* whon U w\\l rvk i aw its fm<lirt£> *.mk! wnc!usloris, ExHiiuiH?r Walker, sv, eommosHiiug tho elonial, nok\l tho oxjK'riniont!i! natnro of tho prop«wt! st:ition ani! saitl tho appli. e:mt "\Kh\s not apjx v Ar to K> i»*np«gwl funihunontH! rv<oiuvh :or tho imiwvomont. of tbo toohIniouo oi' «iwHo art, ,% | - _ .- | iiio ūiii^ihk 4 HiinWnharjr jt\»mi»?otovt »iiothvr ivunvl-irii> |ii*jrtu u» Uw Uii*Uxl Suitv* Sun~ lu.»> at IMW,. Kl>T,