Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 8 July 1936 — Says Women Can Keep a Secret [ARTICLE]

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Says Women Can Keep a Secret

Challenging the accumulateed wisdom of the ages, Premier Stanley Baldwin of Great Britain has just removed one of the larger blots which tradition assigns to the female escutcheon. Briefly he says that women can keep a secret. He has no time for those who criticize womanly discretion. Speaking at a meeting at his official London home in support of a movement to further the employment of university women in big business, the premier declared. "Secret information has a way of leaking very often, as we politicians know to our cost. "I have never known a case of such a leakage being due to a woman, but I have known cases of leakage coming from men who should know a great deal better." Premier Baldwin added that he would "like to pay a tribute to the industry, capacity, ability and loyalty" of the women he had come across in Civil Service positions in Britain.