Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 8 Iulai 1936 — Jobs Taken By Monkeys [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Jobs Taken By Monkeys

Monkoys aro displacin<2; mon as < ooonut i>ickors on i>lantation in Kolantan, British MMaya. Traiuod o/ a variety knowa as "broks" cail piok coeoanuts as fast as l.oiiO a day. Tliis groatly oxcoods the outj»ut of a luau. This is how tho monkoys aro trained: "X ~Malay Āoepor at the foot ofacocoanut i>ahu sends tho brok uj) the ta}l trunk with a thin roi>c tied round tho waist. If the monkoy attomi>ts to piek a n.ut tluit looks too groeu, the rope is gi ven one tug. Whon tho monkey is wantod to eome do\vn to reap tho nuts on anothcr palm, tho Malay givos tho n>i>o two tngs. ihe broks are brought trom SingajK)re, tlio contor of the animal tradc in* Malaya. Their tmining ro<iuiivs great i>atience, and they are first taught to piek up mitshejis oii' the ground.