Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 8 Iulai 1936 — Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters
AT TBE PALAOE TIIEATKE toda.v for thc I;\st Ivay Francis in i4 I FOUNI) STELLA PAKIBH. On Thursā|iy aiul Fridāy. "THE t>AY I>ECEPTION, with Franccs Dcc at|d Francis Lcdcror. Saturd;\y * "TIĪREE WISE <srvs." Nwrring Bobcrt Young ;ind IVtty Fu rnos>. On Snnd:vy nnel Monil;iy thosr pop\ilar stars T\o!>ert 'Montg-bnicry and Ro«alind Rnsscll in "fKOUBLE FOK TWO'\ On Tjiosday nnd :Wo(lncsrlny fh;\t hig sprct;\ele, !* 4 SIfE, M with Kan»lolp|i Scott and !*!clon (i nh;\«ran.
AT THK KMI'IKK THK-VTUK Tho Kmi>itH' Th»'«tiv olfcrs for t<xla> aini tojmu row "'IM LL WKMKKT AtiAlN" with Horhert Marshatl and <icrtnvtlo Miolwl, tojs*>thcr with ■ ch«i>torsof tho n< w sci|ial " k C \LĪ.' OF THE SAVAfJKf >t;vrin-| Noah .!r. F»"ul:i\ ah<l; SHtimla.N. "THK Ml'S|C (iOE'-e RWNI>". wi t h Hnriy Uiohmau! Kt>ohoHo Hu'lson. Snnds»y and? Motulay n donl»!c !>il! of I *NfiKANl> EXIT* uiih K>ltutuid! «unl Anu Soth«'rn mu>l ;t| wh*ou<l ft'Ht»m «>f *THK MYS TKKItH S AVFAtir.lv.*' rinj> * Charl<"- St«riH'tt. TtH-du \Vm.j C, KiokU in THK MAN U\ Tlir, Fl-YIMi TUM»I7,r j