Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 8 Iulai 1936 — Miss Beamer On Visit Home [ARTICLE]
Miss Beamer On Visit Home
Miss Elizab<. , th (Rahy) Bcaraor, <huightcr of Mr. anel Mrs P.C. Beamer of Hilo, roturnod on thc Hualalai Saturday for a vacation visit with hcr family in līilo, Miss Bcaincr is a studcnt, at Lasell Junior collogo noar Boston. Mass. whoi'o sho oxcollcd in her studios as woll as in oxtra eun'ieu. kr activitics. Mrs, Bcamcr i«ot hcr in Honoluiu and accomj»anied hcr back fco Hilo Saturday iiiorning.