Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 8 Iulai 1936 — Hilo Dog Wins At Mutt Show [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hilo Dog Wins At Mutt Show

Snowball, entered by Fred[ Ah Bing, l'2-year old son of Mr, j and Mrs, John*Ah Sing of Ivhumiuia, \vas juljudged tlie grand ehumpiou of the third annual 11011 !uiitt 6 sht>w held Frida,v morning at the E.K. Fei nandez show grounds on Kamehnmeha avenue, Hilo. Eight.y-one pooches of every descn\ytion were entered in the show. Priv.es, includiug a ean of K-V> dog f(xr! from the Hilo Riee Mill, were giveii to < ( very ontr.y. Approxiinately KOO ]K»op?e «lttonded the show, Saiuly, entered by lyeunahou Ludloff of Piihonua, won tlie troiili.v for the re» rVo ehouipion.