Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 10, 1 Iulai 1936 — Garner Accepts Renomination [ARTICLE]
Garner Accepts Renomination
Vict!-Presidi'nt »John N. Ganior in n€cepting his renoniination <aid: "I am a soldier. It is iny duty to follow vvhere thc commander ieads. I aecept the ruies of war laid down iu the i>latform. r ' -■ He said th:it President Koo.sevelt has driven out the g;loom of Jespondency and iestored laughter tn America. "YVe still ask for support of those who l>elieve as we do that the function of the government is to protect the many from the 3elfishiīess of the few and gn:trantee to all a mcans of livelihood and partieipation in those things thāt make life good, nohle and worth living."