Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 10, 1 July 1936 — Learn To Swim Campaign To Be Conducted [ARTICLE]

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Learn To Swim Campaign To Be Conducted

Be£inning Jtily t> and continuing for thrce weeks, ending Juiy 25, the HKC, will contluct a Learn to Sw%» campaign, tho fourth one sinee its inception. All those who are requested to report $,\Cocoanut Island, Monday, July,%

' Īhe-Iw^inne^ 1 elass \vi)l be held at jh the morning Monday to for throo wooks whilo the advanoo<] and lifo snving classes will be held in the aftornoon at 1. Albert Nahale-a will be in direct Rupervision of tho campaign and also instruet the lx*ginnors 1 class, while Eddio Keliipio, lifoguard, will instruct tho advancod and life saving classes. All pa - rents are urged to send thoir ehildren for this freo instruction. Those who wish to registor early may do so by getting in touch with Eddie Keliipio at Cocoannt island or Albert Nahale-a at the Hilo Boarding school.

On Jn!y 25 H wator carnival will be held to elimax tho campaign activities. It will include swiming races among tho members, novelty racos, eanoe tilt ing, and flat boat races for boys and girls. Prizes will bo awarded the winners of individual evohts and swiming awards to those who successful!y pass the swiming test. Beginning Monday, June '29, tennis classes for boys and girls, especially beginnors, will bo hekl at the tennis courts at 9 in the morning. All girls and boys are askēd to register with John Mohau, eusUxlian of the c.ourts, Mon day morning. Tho classos will bo held daily fronv Monday to Fri<lay, June29U>July IT. Beginning Monday, July 0 class es for adults will W held at 4:40 in the afternoon under such populav loeal talents as Guy Ruddlo, Scerling Hobcrt, Tokuwo Morikawa and Tom Okino. The īoeal tennia elub is lending its help for this class. Adults are asked to take advantago of this offor and register with John Mohau. This class will continuo for threo woi>ks euding July 24. A tennis tournament is planned Jos youngstors at tho ond of thoir classes. Prizos will bo donatod by int* i 1 indiv*iduals. This is al| n of tlie HHC*s attempt to

have nioi'e ]>coi»lc usp of cqiujminit t y f:ic-ilitit y J'or ]eisure timc iiikl to scrvi' thc peoplo. iri as ni!inv \v:iy i>ossil>lc nni! in 111u' b< i st: way it kiio\vs. r