Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 10, 1 Iulai 1936 — Man Brought Back From Dead [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Man Brought Back From Dead

For throo long years, Eugeiie Kratzoi\ r>B, of San Fraucīsco„ had planmnl to For three ,vo;i ss ho \vi\tchi\l for the bost mēth<Hl. tho loast painful and the easiost. At hist ho fouuJ it. C«lnnnntinff tho Uim» years of plannin<r. ho at oommittc\l suieMe hy swallowmg two ouucos hytlroeyani(' aenl whi' h usualb doath mstnataneous]y, llis vlanghter dkeovertHl hiui |within a ha!f hout he was pkced |on an »>}R ratiou table d,>etors iattomptvsl U> save his lift\ Althoujjrh physiciaiis were unable to iletoot any pulse movoxuents aiul hts tuvHthiiig was imdis»vmihk ainl tho«jrh ho was ri£id aud motionlos< anil hi?i tur*jv\l blu e HteraHy Krat?or eaiue to «jr*in *IVr hoitrs of hju\l «'ork oti tho jvart of tho ph.\ i«\s who a*lmisitortxl methyteiu lw«e ii>atoent on him, \ftor a fow hours iv.iiul at onyv sfcarU\l *" jK* ' ts\ % Vui>r. TTo sau! * % \ eu i • vsondorful. 1 sat #Uki to