Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 10, 1 July 1936 — Social Work Conference In Hilo In August [ARTICLE]

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Social Work Conference In Hilo In August

The final program for lGth annuaī territorial eonference of social \vork whieh will l>e hekl at thc Volcano House August 8 to l'l is being worked out by a loeal committee, headed byE. A. Lilley with the cooperation of E. G. \Vingate. superintendent oi' the Hawaii Xational park. ,

With ro-thinking soeial woi-k as the thome, thc conferenco will bo divided arbitrarily into four cross-sectiv)ii dicussion gi-oups, whieh will meet ifter, eaeh one of tho four [>hasos of the conference theme is presented. Theso groups will ko; i) ;iccurate rocord of findings whieh will be coinpiled andj reported at the last busii,iess meet- j ing. Tho I'our phases of the confer-j oneo tholne are the client, tho so-j eial woi k, the social agency, andj the coninumity. . | \Yith ]>lans still inits tentativoj [Stage, only two speakers have been | isele.cted to give talks on two of| the of the conference theme j iMrs. Claronce Glick of the Uni-l i versity of Hawaii will speak on i the Social \Yorker— Qualifications i aad Training on August 10. I)r* A, \\ , Lind, with tho soeiology departiaent of the University of Hawaii, will spwik on the eommunity standpoint of the thciue |OnAugustll. | £>peakers of the other two phases, . the client and the social ageney, will bo announcod soon. I)iscussions will follow eaeh of the talks on the four phases of tho conforence theino. In addition t o these t«lks on tho four phasos there will be othor talks, ineluding one on the Church and Soeirtl Work, a history and prophocy, by the Rev. U. \Veaver pastor of tho Churoh of tlie Crossroads in Honolulu.

Frosi(lont of tlio UniloU Statos hy the l)oi»oer:itioo nntional conveut*u>nj;it PhilK<loli»hiu last week, the tinw tho noniination has In'on by acelamation sinco Wockli'o\v \Vilson \vas nominateil in 1910. Yiee-Prosi(iont .lohn E. Gamor was so rononiinatevl !>y aoolamation hy the eonvontion. Tlius \va> oonn>lotisl rt N affinnalion of th,- tiokot.