Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 9, 24 Iune 1936 — Legion annual convention to open July 6 [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Legion annual convention to open July 6

The Honolulu Count,v Coiuicil host.s to tho Amoi'iean Legion. Do partmoiit ol'lLawaii, duripy[ iho forthcomin<ī couvcntion, july G and 7, annoimccs that on tho lst (,lay ol' Iho niooting one of tho laigest milit:iry roviows cvcr staj?od in Hawaii will tako plaeo af ScU<>l'iolil Bai racks for tho hundrods of who will bo in attoiKjanco di.iring tlio sossions. Follo\\ iug. th« parado oar]y Mon <lay movninjr th<> Logion and Auxiliary will o[>on tho oonvcntion with a joint sossion, to whieh will eomo th<- jj:ovoruor, high rank ugarmy an«l navy officors and othors <lif?nitarios. Following tho joint session tiio Logion will convono at the National Guard Armory, tho Auxiliar.y tho Army Navy YMCA.

The first. on]er of business will l>e the eei'lifiyiiig of dele£ates nn<) alternate's the ea?! of the eonveution and the Mi>iiomtmentof eonventioii eommittee-. Adjournineht wili take plnie :it 11 aml tlie cielegates anJ ulteniutes will inime<]iatelv leave for Sr-hofieJd Barraeks pieceded l),v a i>olice escort and upoii arrival at the Sehofidd gate will be mct by a mi!itar.v escort. An excellent lnneheon will be served bv the arm.v under ■ the di--reetion -Mrt]or Bui!urct"i[t"~TūJ eost to tīe visitors, after whieh the militar.v eseort will take the

leg-ionnaires und ludies to the reviewing stiuuh where ■!<» reserved seats have been set.aside for their use. Thc iwiew will be eoinpletelyjnotorized and will inehule evcr> maa and pieee of e*iuipment in this division. Returning to Honolulu follo - the revie\v, the meml)ers of the Legion will be gucsts of the Forty and Eijrht at a staj; entertai«iiny: ut the Cotton 01ub in the

eveninjr while the Auxiliary monil>ers will enjoy a huuiuel as guests of the Eight aiul Forty, at tho A. le.\ainlor Young llotel. ! The sesyion.s of the eonvention will eontin»e TiK\sday niomin*; with ieiK»rts of eom«utteos aiul other inii)ortant husiness uiul tho <joleg«tos aiul altornates \viii Ih i jfuests <>f the Ouhu jk»sls at lunehoon at noon, while the hulies will l>o sruosts of the loeal nnits ut luiu'ii iu tho Vi>ui , .<c 1 lotel. Tho ■aUenunm soKsion ffiil eonehnle w U!i unfimsho<l l>usiness aml the «'}<•»•(ion of \h'i»artment offieers for hoth the am! Ausi|iary.

Fo)Kt\viu£ th<' <'U>sin>r of tho t an lKin»iuot aml onto< iaiutiuout will U> £»vin£ jt»t tho WuiiUao (iolf eiuU for tlo)o--nHcr»»tos :>ivl visitois. T!!»> y:rt«itl <'onvontion tlamv \\i!! U hoKl foll*»winjr tbv K«\nmu'i :tt tho Younjjf Hotol KiH»f wllM'h ha-IKH'H <ot i>\t'hi-.ivol\' fov tho «vt':vsioh.

M?u\\ oth**r ontortainmont f< iati«rvv will U> inolu*l»Hl <liiringr tho « oMM*i'tioH, i«o!u*ling vhow ; u ?»•! ! s tho KinjfQuoon ?hoat« r<, sin-l>t,•.<*>»!£. an«l othor <v«-nt> to lu-il..* U4O sta,Y of llh' vU:tor< p?oa i:ust. TIh 4 k»|ji<m»uuiO"' .»n t!n- i-* an* thrt*winS» ilh' |«ut.\, f<n»tū»£ tho hīH aiul o\|»<vt io >hows <>v<-r\ono * <imo om ,!ul) «? ari4 1.