Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 9, 24 June 1936 — Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters

At tho Fal;ico Thoator tlxl:iv for the last. tinie tli;it historical \ bf the <]ist'over,Y of gokl ' butter Gokl" sturring E(l\vard Arnold, Lee Tracy ainl Binnio Baj]nes. ! Thursila,v and FriJa.y, |Edmon(l TjOWO in "The Groat libperso - nntion" Bnt\UHls\y only s \\hsoluto Q«iot v with liionel Atwill, lrono Harvoy an<l Bt\iart Erwin. Bnn<lay an<l Mon<!ay, that ro— mantie teani of Fre»l Ast \ire am! OingtM* Ro«jers i>! their ];itest suc. cess, **Follow the Fleot'"' Tues<lay antl Wo<lnes(la,\| a«other ' <>-• i\ n ;U. .Kir 1"!. r>!'iuvii in u* Guus." AT THE EMPIKK I HEA'I KE 'i\hla.v uml tomorruw the juve nile star, ,laekie Oooj>or in "PooUN Bikl Boy" \vith Thon»as >teiifhan ftn<l .Inekie Boarl<\ \vith douhle ehai>ters of "The Mim»le Rklors" i (

Fri»lay S;itnnl;iy, "Thf piv-j viow Mur»l» r \vith l\>' jrinal»l Fn»nov*< I>niko an»! K<»d IjiiK«H|iu\ Suinla,v nh»l Moiitlii,\: nnt><h< r shoujj tlouh)o hill; * v To lV«t Th<' Hn?Ur W'\t\\ l!l«gh Ui'l'U'i'L Ho^M I\ roj" un»l.Hr*HhM'ii'K, Tho s<M-on>l f<>atuif *'lli e.'iiu ho" has tho <tar of " v La Cut'ai-:ioh:i" StoXfi Po.na wllh John (.\\rroil an»l Utvl 1«» Hoi<iio. Tuomlm.y an»l a sjh i oial ivturn <ho\vinjj oftho » v no and onl\ S!iitlt .v* Toni|'lo iis "Th» 1 Littlost U< K'l."