Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 9, 24 June 1936 — Mutt show to be held, July 3 [ARTICLE]

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Mutt show to be held, July 3

The th'n-(l anmuil mutt show sponst>m] i>y th»> Hilo Kttcfeution eominiMee will l»e helil the Fer nadez circus ; grounds no Frida,v . aftenioon v ■JuJ,v 3, at 1:30 it was nnnounewi Satunla.v. Loeai youngsters who to enter their dogs in thf show u 111 be clas>sified as follows: Class A, oiffht ,v<.>ars aiul un<ler: Chiss B, i), 10 antl II ,\ ears; Class C, 12 ,\eais and above. Entrie.s mu.v be madeithrough all the IlUe 'sniiituer ijlaivgro'unt.l | worUers or throujjh entr,v blanks whieh will l>e i>ublished in Tlio . Tri|>une-lierald.. Eaeh ent,ry in . tlu> eoniing show, will receive a l>rize and a ribbon. Pictures will be t:dven pl' the first, second and thirtl plaee wiiiners and the best looking mutt in eaeli cluss. Cups will be awardetl tt> the grand and reserve chamj>s. <)nly mut,ts ait> al'loweu to eompeie ior i>rizcs. Last winnōrf in Class A, B and C are barred froni the show. A1 other tlo UIX ' weleoine. !

At the first mutt show hekl in 11)34, Mike o\vned by J<\vee Henry won the grand title and Shag- owned b.v Thonias Jewett, the reserve title. In 1985 Nifty entcred by Pasty Lindsay won the gfrand chamj)ionship awar<l nnd silver trophy. whi!e Boots exhi!)ited by X)oro thy.-A1 wi — reserve title uward and silver trophy.