Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 9, 24 Iune 1936 — Subcriptions Must Be Paid [ARTICLE]
Subcriptions Must Be Paid
Hu!klivilk of ilo!lars worth of suh»;oniitions ;m» ihn' thi« nowsuiul it hns Ikh'ii <U>ckUh! Tty tho mnnagomont th"t it mtsst Ih v eollwUnl nl onee if Kft Hoku 0 Hnsvnii is to <H»ntinuo to oxist. lU!ls sont out in thr hojM' thrtt th<'r< 1 will tw x\ sntisf«ctory rospojiso. Wln'i-o it to mnko n itersonal eāl! t!i<- Hoku's offii uil eoll<vt<ir wi!l tlo so, hut thoiv aro many su!)soriĪH>r-. who oannot Lh' īM'Hi'ln'il by thisnuans, for »moh )H'i-sons wīll smt Uy mail. l'nh'N* <uffi< iont rovonno is oht:iino«l innno<linlo!y thts jiows«hilK'i' will havo to Iw* ttisrontinutHĪ, «i.s it hns for nionth< U'on }>uhlish-j wl nt« loss. This »:mnt»t I>o oontinuoil in'h finitoly niui nnloss nt loas< a lnrsxo |iurl of tho «»utst«m!uiig monoy i* n oviv*sl within th« ,! uoxt wooli or tvvo IlawuiiN on!y Hawniinn nowsi»i»er wll!" oonso to nl l< nst untlor tho \.r.'s,>nt mnnnpmoiU. Whon this mnnrtsjvmont took «>hnrp- <»f tho it wns in tho ho|K' iK'oph- of th. Hnwniinn nioo woulil tnl>o suffiriont intoivst iu it U\ it"s Th«* nrw ni.'Vo h«s fail<sl \<* \mUmnoh *if nn ini]mssiou, ovon wiih t)io n< w f<'ntun> <»f ono jh»jjo ,o<l i« tho Mng'!Uh lnrijjunp\ Tho ohl :itlitu>!.- of ii»liffotvno<> is sti!l iuils htivo fM>rn sont mit fmm tiii?o fō iin»v, wiih HttU« or no ros«lts, Th<* <n i-is hns !m <i\ i.who.! nn«! mi!» >>» thoiv is n ohsuijro f4ir th«> !>.>tirv «ithm th< u.-\t lwo ll»o }nwont in:m.\|r<' iiionl will !«' tn -l. p <!<>\vn aml out. wsth tiothit)tfihnt vt>! i-x* i«-rionoo aIHS » !,