Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 9, 24 Iune 1936 — Dirigibles being urged [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Dirigibles being urged

Covonuont: construcl ion <»f a floot of eonnnoi'eial lio'htor-thun-air caaft aiul roplaoonicnt of tho ill fatod Aki'on and Maeon \vith now Jiirships for joint arni,v arul navy uso has boon rocoinnion(lot{ to a sonato air safot.y coittuiittoo by aviation o.\])orts.

Among tlio \vitness(.'s \v;is Cmdr. Charlcs E. Ros<'n(!:ihl, who survi" V(>(1 thc cr:ish of the Shcn;ui(loah. Ho pk'iuUnl \vith thc (•onmiiUee to pnt foar hehiml aml looli uj)on thc air tv:insi>orttiti(.»Ji tm<l <.U'fonsc s.vstom. - Backiti{r up l\osciuiiihl was t.hc tcstimon.v o S. A. Knowlcs ol' thc Got>(].vcar Zci>i)clin Corp. ol' Akron, Ohio, aiul a .statcuu nt hy Paul W. Litehfickl, j>rcsidcnt of the Goocl,vear Tirc an<l Itubber Co. Th<? (ioo(.l,vcar orgainzatioii built thc Akrou, \vhich crashc(l iii a storm olī tlic Xew ,Jersev coast, | and th(> Mae.on whieh nmdc a j forccd ]anding in thc oeean oIT j Ca]ifonia a fcw months latcr. '

Hoscndahl sjiokc briefly to urgc construction of at lcast one zcppelin ty|>o dirigiblc to bo oxchang od bctwcon thc navy and arniy cvcry fcw monthsto train pcrsoiiīiel in thc opcration of .such craft. Knowlcs proposcd a type of govcrnmcnt suhsidy similar to that providcd thc mcrchant marinc to sturt i>asscngt r and mail servieo lM>twccn Aiīu'Pioa, ;ind the Far East. 110 said thnt would bc one \vay of mccting thc eom l pctition of Francc and England with theii' new passcngor liners thc Normandic and Quccn Mary.

Incr(\\s(Ml s;»fet,y on i>rescrit airjinc* s throiigh nioro thorongh govcrnnicnt ins|)cction \vas urgcd by E(igar S. Gorroll, prcsident of the Air Transj>ort |Assoeiation of America. Hc s;iid G0 inspcctor,s of the bure;ni of air eonimcrcc hnd tho tas]<.of cxannng-14,000 licenscd pilots 24,000\studerit ]>i!ots, 8,000 airplanes and '2,500 mechnme<.

Thc. battleship New York, accompanied by tow dēsti'o.vers thc Sicitrd and tne Broome, will arrive in Hilo, Saturday, Junei7» with 250 HOTC eadots from mainland universities.