Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 9, 24 June 1936 — De Mello not to seek office [ARTICLE]
De Mello not to seek office
A finn eloninl t.hat he h:is :m,v pj]iticiil intontions insofar :is tho forthconunff ])riiuur.v olootion is concornod was iissorto*l last Avook by Manuol C. l)oMollo, : pr.onunont Domocratic loador of Kona/vnd īna nagorof tho L, L. MoCan(Uoss ranoh.
In rofutat'ion of cum>nt ruhiors that ho wou)(| bo a camlidato for tho sonato on the l)omocratic tickot. DoMo!lo statoil officia]]y that ho wil! m»t l»o a cainli(!ato for any puhlie offico-this yoar. "I _hav'c (locidotl to tako a vacation," Mr.'I)oMollo' s;ii(l, "and 1 ani not runnin<r for tho sonato or; ariy other 05100." 1 Mi'. I)oMollo oxpiaino<l, how' ovot\ that this statomont tloos not moan that ho will bo iimctivo in l>olities. The Kona I)o]nocrat \vas sup - portotl 'n his announconion{ by his ti.iployor, Mr. McCan<lloss, former de]og;ite to coii£ress and former ehieftain of tho Boui bon yarty in Hawaii. Both Mr. McCanilloss and Mi\ DeMello arrivod in Hilo last wook on matters portaining to a tax apj>eal involving- tho Bishop ostato lands in Kona. Whilo herc ?di'. DeMeJlo rocoivod a tolephono mos sage froni his brothor in Honolulu informing him that Mrs. DeMollo who has been visiting thore tho past month, was suddenly takon il! with a heart sti'oko. Be(»use of this Ix >th Mr. McCandloss and Mr. OoMollo cut their.Hi]o visit short and loft by plano for Honolulu the saiiK' afternoon. Mr. DeMollo's withdraw;ii from acth*e poHtics, hē said, was only temi>orary. Tho McCandloss forc.es so fa r have linod up Mrs. Saruh Cunning ham and Thomas Podro, Jr., as senatorial candidates from tho first representativo district.
:x:Robbins Kinney wa< unaniin«tusl.v ok'otcil tho nc\v eoiumanik'i' of Hilo Post No. 3, Amonean! Logion, at ;i i)Oh>t mooting last: Thursday night. He will sueceed J. J. Powers, i)resent eomman<]er.