Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 7, 10 June 1936 — Large Shipment of Pipe Received [ARTICLE]
Large Shipment of Pipe Received
The hirgi'st shii>nient of east iron pi|n v s ever reeeived in Hilo a»;rived 011 the Steel Seieutost Sjit.urdu.\- inoruin{f froiu the Amoi'iean Cust Irou Co. in Birmingham, Alahaiua. The shipment eonsi>«ling of 900 tons will be u.sed on tho Hilo \vaterworks, extension iu - o]det. The order \vas made through the Ilonolulu Irou WorLs for E. E. Blaek & Co. Ltd.