Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 7, 10 June 1936 — NEW ATTORNEY TO OPEN OFFICE [ARTICLE]

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Aibert K. Kimura, who hās been practicing£ law in Kona for the past thrce years, announced Friday tho opening of his law oiiiee» in the location former!y oc.cupiod by thc late Tasaku Oka ftt 63 Kinoolo St. t

A graduate of the N orthI western University taw school, | Kimuru has been actively engaged iin thelaw profossk\n since 1928. |After his graduation from ■ law school, Kimura joined the law firm of Fred Patterson in Hono - luluand.was conuocted with the firm for fouryears 11)28 to 1932. * After that he returned to his, honio in Koim»._\\diere he has U 4 en practicing for the past three : years. . ■ i - j K iiuura was born *In Kona in 1898. Kimura attended the lolani high school in Ilonoluhi for two years.

ln 1917 he went t& the mainland &nd enrolled gt ,the Hyde Fark high school. froan whieh he srraduated in two years tiē then matriculated at the Nsrthwestern Un ; versity Law school. graduating in 1927.