Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 7, 10 June 1936 — CUBAN EDUCATOR WOUNDED [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Evelio Luis Barrena. Ct:tnn federal comm!Ssioner for the Univsr--Bity of Havar*a, was shot and vvoiindcc3 sl.sfi-'y when he was fired on as he drove into the university grounds. Hss assailants esca;jed. Barrena had īncurred the ire of leftist students. At left, the bul!ct holes the windshield of Earrena's aulomohae. (Associated Press Photos)
i Dsvīd C. Crookshank 85, retired orange grower of Los Ange!es, sought a o'ivorce trom his wife, Anna (right), 78, on charges she ridicu!ed him and showed attention to younger men. Mrs. Crook> ( shank denied she had showerea attentiong on. a youth of 21. (Associated Press Photos) ■ _-L