Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 7, 10 Iune 1936 — Great Four Day Celebration Starts Today [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Great Four Day Celebration Starts Today

A significant mile post in Hawaiian histor.y will bo established in lliio when Mamalahoa Chapter, Order of Kamolmneha, stages its four-<lay celebration of the Kamehamoha bicentennial and Kalakaua centennial jubileo, necording to plans revealo(l Saturday by Harrv K. Brown, goneral ehainnan. Tho jubi!ee colobration' will eoinmen eo WednēstTay ēvenTh'g with the All Nations program at the Hilo Armory. and reach its cliinax with the all-Hawaiian eanoe regatta and sports carnival at Kuhio Bay Saturday afternoon. Elabora.te plans now eomplcted for the celebration repre — geTit the hopes, dreams, and ambitions of offieials of Kamehameha Lodge, who commenced to outline t heir program early last year and have since devoted many hours daily to their task.

Menibers of Kamehanielia Lodge held a siiecial-meeting Suriday. At 8:30, initiation ceremonies for approximately 25 prospective members was held. The entire membership then attended services at. Haili church at 11. A luneeon was seryed at the Haili comni,unity hall after the services. The regular m«eting for installation of officers was hekl at 2 in the afternoon at the Foresters hali.

The program will eommeneo otficiiilly \vith a band concort T>y ihe Hawaii County Baml at 0:45 Wednostlay ovening at tho Hilo Armory. A Kalakaim All Nations night program will be stagod in the armory commoncing at 7:30. E.K. Matthows has writton and directcd a l>lay, Momoirs of King Kaiakaua, whieh will be elaborately staged on a platform especially constriu'tod. Tho play is devoted to highlights in tho life and roigii of Kalakaua, tho coming of foreigners and thoir contributions to Hawaii's industrial life.

Folk songs and dancos havo been woven into tho pagoant in whieh Japanoso. Chinoso, Koiean Filipino, Portuguoso, and Hawaiian iKM-formers will in\rticij>jito.

alK)ut a mile long, wil! t«ke part j in the great Kainehamehn Day| l»amlē on Thursda,v, Juno 11. All eivie and fralenal organi/.a, t»ons of the cit,v are wo|>onitivig makingt!his }Mirftdotho most colorful ever in tho terri|«ry. Tho two niaiu s*vtions will 1m» devoU'd to Kailīeha Kaiakauu. ,Fl«wts iu the Kame soctioii will de*erU>e tho monareh , s birtlu ,his youth, his Kamohnmohn*s r<vnrtship of Kaahuinanu, īn« life as n w»rrior, «nd «!«•<> h>* rrghnr a*

Pmiīi-īnHio OwttniMition« wlio tuv spon fM>rinir n*»Hts in this M-.-ti«»n im'lu«lr iho Nntiv«' Sons Ilnili llo,\ rlnh. Ul\R thn»vh, Hnili t;irK Ch»h. llniU (*kiMiu»n. K.'uuohuuu'h;* HiiWAii Oiwi duh. hi»*l Kft«hnuin»tn Sourt,\ whii'h i V t ln* Kaaliumanu. fk»U

The Kalakaua f]oat is sponsoml b,v Halo O Na Alii. Kapiolnni and Liliuokalani will also lx? i)ortra.yeil, the Hawaiian Girls club anel the Waiakea ]\lothers club bejng in charge of these units. • The Filipino coninnvnity is entering several floats aiul niarching unit. i Starting pron.iptl.v at 9 in ; the moming, Mnrshal Hoinian Kamai and his ai<les will lead the procession down Waianuonue >St. alongr Kaniehanieha Ave. to the Vok'iino garage, return along Kaniehanieha Ave. uj> Waianuenue to Kinoole where the units will disbancl.

the }>ara<lo, literary exercises are to he hehl at Mooheau pai'k at 10 ::»(*. The Hawaii County l>aiul will ren{ier seveml seicetions. Addresses on the life of K ameliameha and Kalakaua will be given.

The Haili Oleemen and the Kaaliuinan Boeiety Hawaiian songs.' '

Also scheduled for Thursday are hōrse races at lloolulu park, whieh will be proceded by a baseball g-anie bctween tlie Hamakua All-Stars and the Chitiese A. C. at 12:30, a l>and coneert at the armorv at 6:40. and a Hawaiian Night prograni at the armoi*y at 7:30.

A pageant dopicting tho life of Kainohaineha is the foature of the evening program at tho armor.v, dosc'ribing :stages in the monareh\s early and later īife nnd eulminating his conquest of all the islands—

A torch!ight and lantern imrade under the auspicos of Kilauea Couneil, BSA, the Hilo Recreatioh committee, and the Japanese associ:ition, will be held Friday evoning at 7.

The |iarad« will start from Lineoln Park, procood along Kinoole St. to Waianuonuo St. along Waianuonuo, to Kamehameha Avo and ontor Mooheau park. whei*e lantern exereises are planned. Tho program for Satui\la> will be devoted princiiwlty to Bj>orts. Starting at i) in the morning. h bieyde i*aee for girls from Kuhio wharf to Mooheau parV wili bo staged. AllK*rt Nahalo-a is in chai'gi' of this progmnu | Fiold s|wrts for the kiddios aro i Blftl4H.l al'ioi' the l»ieycle raiv.

'Hh' « iunw roj2futta in whn li rrew« fioni llilo. Kakoa, Milolii, Honauimu, <uM Knilua will |jartitH|mte is t«» at 1 in tmttftornvHH» iu *uhio Uv\.

'MomlM'i'N of tiu Kuna civuk; will u'tur« fr\>m lloiiululu lluii inurniiig, Imā uftvr u Ui u f wiU Ihhiu'li tlu ir > inj tht aftonioun. IIIK» wil! ll,t tt jjntt t wiih u Niiliuu. (•{«<• OKH' u Uuii>ru J siy in! whh'h \o ui'lu* hiv i'wii}*'! u»& j TontamH t\»uts,j iiivrtntltr ivjfalta in*»tfruiu. (hs{, īwinl mo1«»rl>out, st«tutur Ihml. 1 am! tu*\i'li„v r»iv> Hlnī» |th<mu >L

On (tio (uu»l nijjht uf Ux r*'h'i»rahou. (wk «liuttv< &»v iu'ht «I Ow H»!o Ann».'i,\ iu«l HiK \ tt 1 I l'hii», «"otumi'»n iujj nt l»rof«-^i.ni;»! th<> nl \\w {t u n'» *t Shlhihlm\ uigh(.