Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 7, 10 Iune 1936 — KAPOHO CLUB HOLD MEETING [ARTICLE]
Conc'udiny: a &uccessful ye»r of activities. ttoe Kapohe and the Kapaho Boys , 4-H clubs he»d an achjevB»ent progrjoi Wednesday afteroooM at the Kepoho schcol.
A feature of the progr»ai was the presentation tf 4 H cer t'fiea!es and achiftvemeDt djbs to members of both clubs. The clubs were present€d w»tk gold charter sea's.
A demonstration on how to contr.->! hog :-e9 was p«t on by Tetsuo Kobayashi ahd Tadashi l'eno, members of the Kapoh» Boys' 4 II c üb.
Ueno won the best record booW and the best story awards for boys« wh'le Miss UyeoauKi won the best record book sed the best story pr zes for the gihs. After the prbifram gam>s were. enjoyed. [,ight refreshments wfrt served. M:ss Uazel Z!ra3jermBn t ass*stuil cf the Ūn ver?!ty of Hawaii e.\tens:oū service, attended the progr a m and so Ujd Miss Eis;e ilayashi a*\d Tsucntka MaV3ki, coanty exteasioa ageDts for East H&waii,