Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 6, 3 Iune 1936 — Owners Face Loss Of Land [ARTICLE]
Owners Face Loss Of Land
The possibility is seen that: owners. of beach lots, homesteads ftnd other lands throughont the territory upon whieh motiey is due the *government face loss of their property unless they move to make a settleinent. The possibility was"foreseen upon annpuncement of Louis M. Whitehouse, land commissioner, that he is niaking a survey of the Bituation upon whieh to base a definite policy. He said his survoy includes' the Waiakea Homesteads on Hawali, from whieh. he asscrted, the tērritorial government sti!l h'as āi>proximately $."00,000 due. M lf tho owners of these he said, "have no in-; U tention of i>aying what they owe, thtft the government ought to : tabti over the land and sell it in an to get some or all of the liiairiey iue it. M 1 { He said he had no infc>ntion p|f cansing har<lship to nny owner jof aueh property« hut added that -* f l>eaeh lot and Homestead j fcWyDot j»iy, or will not pay des~ rejK j ated notifieation from hia offiee, thc government imist > ia4reecb.
In ml<iition to the Waiakea Whitehmiso piiwl the hifitory of tlu- Waiman&lo, Oafiu, l*'*oh lot <t>ction. Man,y of ths originftU>ts,vpr<s h«' MW, msdc \M\ymmt of W €k>Ut in hul )iftvr pah! m»thing «Inw thojv Tho |mwnt *tat ī » f nbout tT» lotji ont of th on£it \\ S<& WiM W inHiuhil in hu Mir\ \ M Prmni*»i« I«.v »rrn*t gt)ing to \v> ronsiiioml nny }<>ng#r* w Ow romis»irtnrr
liw}' i\ iimn \visho?4 fho ®ifcty ImA'ie w«miM "|lki i\*gatoto »*'* "»•«« iHi'K the Hono!nlu Si*r«H\iHvlitu