Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 6, 3 June 1936 — HILO POSTMASTER IS GRANTED LEAVE [ARTICLE]

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Grantod a 30-<lay loavo of absonee, D.A. Dcvinc will lcavo Hilo June 7• en routo to Philad(>]]>hifi \vhero ho will ai;tond thc national Domocratio convention as ono of Ha\vaii*s clolegat<?. Hc will |>e aeeoinpīmi 'i.l by Mrs. Devino. Mr. Dcvino was authorizcd # to mako tho trip hy tho chiof inspcc. tor of tho M-ostcrn division. 'l'ho Dovine< will l>oard thc Montercy on Juno 8 for Ix>s Anj?clos whero thoy wiU visit for a fe-w-days with Mr*->T: L. Coiinor, a sister of Mr. ' Dcvino- From Los An{jolos thoy will go across tho contincnt to Atlantic City whcro Mr Devino will attond thc national TJotury convontion as dolpgffttc of tho Hilo Eotaj-y club, Thcy wil! thon g 0 to thc Demoerātic convontion at. Philadclphia. Prcsont plans are to *roturn bv way of Chicago whcrc they will visit \vith ivlativcs, thcn to Vancouvor, B.C. Mrs. A. (t. Corroa, wifc of Deputy County Attornoy A.G. Correa, will also attcnd thc national Bourbon conclave as an altornato. Shc left Hilo Sunday and will ]oin othcr de'cgatcs Icaving froiu Honolulu this weok: