Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 6, 3 Iune 1936 — Oriental War Predicted Soon [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Oriental War Predicted Soon

China and Japan will be at warwithin a year. This was the prediction of Ohow Souyu, Can_ toti editor, during a recent visit -to the United States. Ohina, he said, was preparing, under the developiiient program of its American-educated former finance minister, T. V. to resist Japanese incursions with fdrce. { Souyu is ifl the United S€at-es for nine months in the inte»ests of reciprocal trade. At home he publishes the Wan Kow dircctor of the Kwangtong pro-

vince union of edifcors. Circulation of tho papcr, Souyu said, was but 8,000. 1 Chinese are a peaeoloving people, they will fig-ht Japan within a year," Souyu said. "The.v were iihprepared to fight when Japan ipoved into Manehuria in 1932, but now with Soong buikliqg highways and railroads ? working out food distribution syste&s and buying airplanes, we are |n a stronger position." Souyu declared one of the principal objects of his visit to America was to tell fellow-country-men resjding in the United States of conditions in the homeland. Of the Chinese in this country 90 per cent are Cantonese.