Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 6, 3 June 1936 — Cody Gets a Heavy Fine [ARTICLE]
Cody Gets a Heavy Fine
Frank J. Co%, former |FERA admin«strator for the |3ig Island, and John Hicks, fonner -HkKA employe, pleaded guilty to ehar#ros of diverjjnjr relief fund.s by eharging interest 011 adyanecs made to relief workers, in th e court in Honolulu last Thursda v v. Gody was fined $400 and given a <*esere w»prunand l>y ilie- }udgo. Hicks was placed ofi prolit\tion for five years. Oody, reported as being in poor finaneiat eirēumstanees, \vas #iven until June 15 to raise the necessary mohey to pay his fine.'