Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 6, 3 June 1936 — Large Turnout Memorial Day [ARTICLE]

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Large Turnout Memorial Day

Headed by a. j)o]ice escort and tho Hawaii County band, Hilo , s ]\leniorial I)a.y paradc \vivs lurgol t v attendi'd, \vith various loonl units partic-ipating, iiicluding thc Aniei'iean Legion, Woman*s Auxiliar.y, Sca Scuuts, Bo,y Scouts and soldicrs-. A crack fising squad of regulars fron\ tlic Kilauea military eamp fircd tho salutes while the loeal Lcgion post lmglcr souuded tnps. At Homelani ccmctcix a short -talk Avas—gircn —bj- J.J." Powcrs, commandcr of Hilo Post No. 3. Amcrican Legion. Harold R. Warncr, post ehaplain, said the prajcr, and the speaker of the day was thc Rcv. Markham Talmadge, i>astor of thc FirstForcign church.