Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 6, 3 Iune 1936 — Wants Medal For Famous Woman Flier [ARTICLE]
Wants Medal For Famous Woman Flier
Rcpresentativc John Tolan Dcmocrat, of CalifoTiiia, is prcssing his plea to avvard Amelia Earhart Putman a commcmorative medal for her flight from Hawaii to California, and has. used a phonograph to sharpen his argument. Tolan played a rccord niade when Miss Earhart landed in'Oakland from Hawaii in January, 1935, the first pcrson"in history to make the castward flight. , As congressmcn listcncd thc diac talked, "Are you tired?" a questioncr askcd, "No," Amelia j replied. "I know I look tcrrihle. I got awfully dirty." Tolan said ... the aviatrix abiliti', modest.Y aud valor cntitlcd i hcr to thc same rccognition givcn [ Lindbergh and Edison. : "Miss Earhart is thc pathfinder for commercial. air navigjition betwccn Hawaii and thc Unito(] Btutcs,', Tolan said, "llcr Tiame will livc in histor.y as one of the pionecrs of commercial airi traffic,'' . ; |