Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 5, 27 May 1936 — Bonus Bonds In Mails June 15 [ARTICLE]

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Bonus Bonds In Mails June 15

Jimo 15 is i>:iy t!u,v! I>('<pit<' mmoi'K of p]ans to (!<•- lay (lelivorv of the bontls \yith whioh Unele Sani will pa.y off the bonus to somc World A\ r ar votorans, t}u' niaii* will bo loa(lo(! (lown on Juno 15 witli tho highly i)rizo(l socuritios, plus checks for amōunts duo above tho valuo of the bonds

In order to fdcilitato dolivory, thtvTroasury is tho 12 Fodoraī Kcsorvo Banks as transmittal dopots. Bonds for votenuis who live within the torritory of eaoh of thoso banl\S, \vhoso appHeations have been reeeived and certified for payment, of cburso, are being deix)sited in eaohbank and pronipt. ly on Jnne 15 they will begin to move to their destination in a ve-j ritable flood.

' The places froin whieli mailings | will begin are: Atlunta, Bostori, Chicago, C]cveland, Dallas, Kan ; stis Cit,v, MiniK'apolis, New York, Philadeli)hia, San Fi'aneisco u'ml 1 St Losi. Bontls whieh ordinaril.v woukl l.)e mailed i'rom thc regional offiee at Kiehnio»tl, will be haii(lled direct from the Treasury in Washington, thus eonii»leting the 12 regional mail" 1 ing iK>ints, Yeterans are cantionwl however ? Tiot- to be (lisai»pointed if the postman does not bring their bondson ' the first mail, oreven on tlie first ' day. Mailings will begin Jnne 15 ' as the law provides. That means ( they will b'e in the mail. >Some, imdoubtedly, will l>e delivefed the j same day. Several days may elapse. howevei\ l>efore the avorage vetomn reeeives his bonds. It is aV)igjobto get nearly 4,000,0<H> registen i d letters dfstribu\ed, eaeh requiring the signatnre of the vefe i ran w!to is to reeeive the p u'kage, By nsing the 12 regions*as starting i>oints. howcver, the job is mueh redue(»<l and deKvery shoiild be faeilitated mat< 4 rially. The l»onds are in denominatio n of $50 eaeh. The Bi»vau of Print. ing them out <>n February 20, a def(»rateil VVorld War \vteraiy oj>erating the first press. At lea>t nS,(N»o,onō „f the Ihuhls wlīl bt» miuimi, As oi Api il io, ap proximatel\ lN'.Kmunh* applteatious had Ikh>u nwivetl at Vete rans*! Adiiii»istration. C3ertifie*tions i'oi* i»a,vmem weiv delivered to the Tre-tisur,v at the rate of aln>ut ioO, *M.Ki a week. Applieatious atv now ouniing in alK>ut <k»o tlaib*. All vet*«rans ure now ae<iuaii\ted w»th the viilue of the bomk, They ean l<*> wtained nnd di*aw 3 wni inteivst, or they oui W eash♦m! at will. HememlH'i', you ean eash thein tvHky, tomorrow, or ftny tinu you wi»h lH>twei<n iow and «l wlwh ti»»e ttK,v nnis| t»e msh<Hl ->o <lon s t think you HH' eoutto eush ihelU ilHllie<liatel_\, !f JOU w«t)t tvl r»sh > our bomK or »n> i«*rt of ihenn tJ»Kr the deMivd ! » iyo\»r jMst ottietv ! i The loeiil |Hnstma<ter \vIII for ! ward the lM»nd"<: to 11>« 4 nejitv*t |x*„\ "i«IE eeiiter, fiiM el*H> j»»«<t e- ha\ lua iut n deM|ftittted for |thwt .\* <pneKl,v *»•

hihle; t)m< po>t \dTiei- will ntmh a l£o\ t nuuenl i !u>» k fv i t!u- f ::! amo\nit and a jr«*\ri'j»in« u? «he. k e,iii be ea*duM in an.v store. Administnttor H - ha* ! \vord that !h i-- «01.-i ndii,j* !«. n>:;t«> an,V iH'l'Mill biit thr \iter;Ui> himM'lf. aud at lu» kiT-d i«v,,k llt t S«-» if .\>>u u*-ked i!u»t t!iv> !h mi t *Vujv ( «f asi\ on*. th« v v. i!! u* t 1h" «leliw»-»*!. lu du< t!a \ etejTt!'V Admini-ti s . tif\ ,\ I'ultljW. i'*'PS |>ī\H'SiHhHV. AU,\ IHHili* 1 «) A'" h« injr • d t>- }. \ t ī. - »Mit i*f iheii 1"h, ! lUellt lv ,-\ m 1 i««>. to h ( ea- ītses 1