Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 5, 27 May 1936 — Alumni Will Hold Banquet [ARTICLE]
Alumni Will Hold Banquet
\ Mw».! })jans for thc s>t. ahimni association bantjnH tvero u an<l «in»rowit Rt tho m<M tmn: of tho assodation : Sftui'dav night at St, Marv*s Frank (j. H« rrao, vw pw«ident, i>!vsiiUMĪ in tho atvsonw 0t Prt*wilt'Ht \\'alti r Vii tor. The anmm) hoi«»rvng gr«dtM»"t*\H of St, MnryV school» wīll lM» helil .1 um i f» atlho Ht*agnlo olul», l{#MK>r**ations nwy Ih> mml<* wit! Mr. S*mtiui. J*»o l{««"ha «)r,,* Bill KuMtuvt, Thoniīi«. %a!f**r Viotor, am! .laino*< Hu^m