Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 5, 27 May 1936 — Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters
Attmction playing at the Hilo Thcatrcs tlus week are: ' PALACE T'HEATRĒ, " To-j day the last sh<nving of that outstanding story of hi<tor.vJ "CAl*tAlN BLOOIV\ wiih that latest screen find Errol Flynn. Thursday and Friday a siK v oial treat for all lovers of good music with Lawreuee/nbK'tt in his !atojst pictuiv w , METI\OPOLITAN." S;itut\lay. Memonal Day, the! Palaee wiil havo two evening| i shows with th»t mysUMv! ! thril!er. "13 HOUKS BY I AIH." with .Toan Bennett and! Fred M, i iy. | S Sujulay and Mond«y a new an<l; d!('ū*rent «lanel tra.\ nor in ( >MALL lOWN UlliLS'\ j in a lype of i\ile t)iat wnl make ,\v>u lo\e her all over }®ain. * ' | Tuosda,\ an<l «uwUuu { Uvai for tiic v »iumc knei> t whvn .lan Eiepum who >Ua i «« "IIE Mink i\K I NUiUr\ 'wiUn . Swaithout in K GIVL i TUIS MGUr\ ] Al th.- KMrlUt| TIU'.ATi;I: j Aiul 10-msrrv>v\' TVito'i\ - tvl Ku« tu «tiolK<£* v<har* tn tr*»m ht>u»ri» l»l* IUKHY \ii>rMK wiih vh»ubK | m p.H I [ "TIIK «IUKK \ wiih I\«ti Mix. j ««M llie ] crarkift£ i:. ; »tu*t!sor of her typie.-v! | V tr* | in SM.\HTY^ i S«miny whl *uvl\w■! t Jt»uhfc» hill. * V T( H» ; tx> Hi*t». rii)£ Yle*-r »4 S*:\v *i\h v ; i*n\\ ntor>» "KK\ Al*A ( »sih Un) iVsUU , «ii'i K&thWn \ l*ot U! 1! UWW of th«| S\JU:k oK\r \ | th > nl*l Hml* • kH i