Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 4, 20 May 1936 — "Major" Kawelu dies suddenly [ARTICLE]

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"Major" Kawelu dies suddenly

Sergt. Haili Kawelu, affect i«nstely known BPftontr his nunaerous friends and assoclates as Kawe u of the Hilo Poliee department died snddenly at 12;05 a. m. S«n - day «?ornins. Hls sudden pas sing c A va as a great sfcock to tse v entii9 city as he Was oae of the roost popular and efficient off»ceia ~>ia the force He was on duty as usaal Saturday, but at ab»at 10 00 n'eloen £>aturday night he deveioped~a sudden cerebrs! hemiiori»ge waie at home. 977 Kiiauea Avenue. He was discovered sn s serieus tx>nd»tion "by his adooted daughttr when she re'turned. He w»s rūshed to the Hi!o Men»oriaT but d'ed just after midn'ghf Tne funerft! was held Sunday afternoon at 4 00 o'eloek at the Etiricr* moHmī?, Hito Post No. 3 Ameiiean Leglon in charge Chapiain H. B. AVarner «f the pott conducted ihe t Engiish part of th« service while the Kev. Matthews of th« Christsin Scieace Churc\ • of Waiake<i c»nducted servi.ee . in . A )arj?e nnmbtr*of J«ople of 4 every natīon#J:ty servicē and b remains to Homelani Cemeteiy whei e the w ere iaterreP ia th« fami!y p!nt with fuli aailifcary hoao s. A? firing from the 299ih Infantry Haw&ii Xational Guard head»d the followed imoae diately by pla'oae of brovh« r cfficer of the peliee dspsrt me«t The Guarvssm«n fired a saiute ovfr the gra\e aod I Bugler Juies A, €arvaitio cf th«> tbe tays. , pouee oiācers av,ud I W<rer^

ao* *«s dr*p«»4 «iU ti>e A»oc?k*a Otg a&d sutr»unM * it& heaps of fb*ers, • tribufce t« th« popularit) of tbis sp{*»ndid «ff.c«r wh» h»d jriv*n fcurteen yetrr of «*.- eetieat s«rvica to th« deptrt< He htkl thers.nkofa s*ns*#fcf.

SersfU w?s liorn st 8oa«i Koo». Hawaii l*e. 1. 1889. %nd |wss Um* cf Kamoa «cd M*rU Kaiielo. He $p««H oi his Uf<6 i?i Koiw «ioitrct Wfort co»ir.£ tu lUh. *h wwh»*! I>y tht** «dop W chi»drt», H;s *if« dītd WI n«rch to, i*& d*.v s aft*r Uk« of his f«ther »nd * fe« h« h**Hd his malh*r.

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