Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 4, 20 May 1936 — "NO HARMONY" SO SAY LINK [ARTICLE]

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I 'lam through \vith Johnn,v Wil soh. iuul L wiil iiot acoopt un,v kirid of coin]m>jnise :iftcr what hc di<l 10*111 e and nt,v fol!owers jn lust nionth's eonvontion." Link MeCand]oss told sonie Hilo friem!s Satur<la.v. ' ....... - "I want to iloal with honest Doinoerats not thos who will resort to triekor,y to thoir own solfish onds,"' he eontinuo(l, hurlin£ :l boi£il>shell of bitter opitaphs at his politienl rival. >k Wi!son -goh wliaf ho wmihnl, so it*s up to hini," ho naiil. "He ffot t.vo \suppose(F eontro) of tho part.v. My friends aiul" I havo boon shovod out. Dishonest] Vl I say. Tho Bi|j Islaiul has beonrobbod of its repej>ontation us De. mocrats." 4 •. Puntatiiig his remarks with a vehenient verl>al attaek un liis areh foe, fMcCandless announeed that ho will not rua and doojr not intend to'run Jor"delegate to Congrcss not withstan«liu4r |>er>ivitent rumors to the contrar.v. "I am guing to b<- 011 the side line and look at tho proeession it i»asses by," ho oxplainod.