Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 4, 20 Mei 1936 — Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters

Attractions at thc Palacr this woek oflfer some outstandu»ii pie tures Today, that clmrming - ality, (iinjrcr Ko£crs 4t ln P»'rs«»n" with (icorjrc Btxmt Thurs.&Fri. Thc one and <mly Arli<s, in his la*e<t pietuiv "Cardinal Richdieu~ Baturday vk Show thcm no »!«!■«,y M with EoehelU' Ilusdou and Bru€e CalKst, AT THK. KMPiUK: Today and tomorro\v doe Mor Paul Kelly, Chie Bale and lW»y Len\v iu "ll*s « (treat" thc first picturc of hfe U) a C. C. C. mmp. O the samc ekiuhle ehApters <>f that #tiri h\g J \\'t>sU'ni "The Mintclc Kider 4 \ with Tom Mi.\ j Pri,£*at, Pa* (VB r Son NWd! in Mnofhvr «>f tho* cfackluj* n*!c>ī. *'l M'll Hn.vthini|** with Clair.' Twvor, Sundity ā S«tnrday Anolhei jjrertt douhle 1,51! "TouioriNi>« '.■* Youih" wHh that j,riva< ,\ouitjī Mar Oiekie \tu»th.'r fhri! IĪU|T \Vps|i'n< of the Cnsis}dy M-ri« n "Bar l?' 1 iidr* \tiMimn Ho\,l