Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 3, 13 May 1936 — Trask not to run for Office [ARTICLE]
Trask not to run for Office
Senator Pavid K. Tra k a h «, tenant of the defeated L.L. Mt Candless Democratic party forceslast week stomi>ed on rumors that he wbuld run for delegate and threw tlie still unclaimed Bourbon delegate <iuest to the party mogul, Johti H. Wilson.
W has alrea<ly announcedj $iat he will not seek the delegate-: ship. __j Reitcrating previously annoim. eeil plans to withdraw from Hawaii poiitics for at least one ,vear, Tiiisk dcnietl reports he has been receptive to I>emocratic pleas that he oppose Delegate Sam King in the fall eleetions. The senator plans to stnd,v law on the lH>lities for at least a ,vea>\ seeklng a lioense to»i>ractice in courts higherthan poliee tribunals, for whieh he is licensed now.
Scnator Trask asked who woukl l»cjhe |Kirt.v ehoiee for delegatc CāmlHlatc. "Therc is only one logicul answer," he sjud. • l \īohnny Wilson, who now runs thc Dcmocmtic part,y, should opp«»«' Htu« King. lf «iohnn.N'-doesn*t run, he should get lK'hind thc can«lidac,v of Taiki ehi Miy«niot«s his politieiil right haiulman." Thc scnat«ir i>rcdieted a uniUnl front lHhind Sui>crvisor Mamul 0. l'neheee» in tho nmyora?ty racc t ; Op|K»f»illg M»> or Fpml Wright who will run for pe-eleelion.