Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 3, 13 Mei 1936 — Recognition of New Rule Remote [ARTICLE]
Recognition of New Rule Remote
Possibilit.y that the Unitvd Statos would rocogni/.o Italian ter=. ritoriai gains in Kthioj)ia is ex-. tremel.v remote, govenmiont oll'icials, quost.ioncd by newspapermen indicated. i
The,v pointed out the numerous other commitments of Washington not tō recognize acquisition of territor,v l>y force and cocrcion.
(Troverunient si>okesmon dtsclinod to comment but several high (juarters compared the situation with JapanV occupation of Maiiehukuo.
Howevcr, political science experts said a final docision of America's stand probably would not be reached untll Italy*s plan t'or goyerning the newly conquer. ed region are ascertained.
Observers also said that. the United Stotes' slight interest in the region might alter the. circumstanees. It was believed the attitude of European powers also will be considered.
Nevertheless some-expcrts feel that as long as the government does not recognize the United States cannot. readily take a eontrary position with regard to Ethi.>pia.