Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 3, 13 May 1936 — All Italy Turns Out To Celebrate [ARTICLE]
All Italy Turns Out To Celebrate
Fiftmi luillion Fascists pourod into th<? srteets throughout Ita]y Tuos*.lat,v in a test mobilizAtion wlebratin£ the iKXUi»atiou of AdiiU AUaiwu .
Belfe, sirens amt vrhlstles soundm*ws of vietory. Moru woiwen «ind ehiMwn droppet3' th«'ir lHsks and hastene<t to qu»rters.
J«dibtion anid tmnoiulou?v Fiasrs aiui memi iho frouts of hiuKUu^
THo sijnv»ts wm- soum!eu at C»:4C» ]vm. swn>risin£ thv populaoe sinw th*\v h»i! no intimation that fina! victory immmeni.
\ow"s\\nivrs wi l re forHdvVn to imbtish e«rlicr disjsjitc!H> iumoun oi«|y the \HVUi*st\oii of ,VMi> Alw Pennisvton \vas £rauU u afu r * . T\vo winpanie- of shv! )u !iuet »si t!>*»>!*» $rnsr>!.>? ]*ntivh i tu ;Ui,l t, «iv\i v >«1 tho British Ct.H\>uWte *>■ A 4«\V4U UvtK, \<> . 1\- ; luv*l i*,' -,K