Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 3, 13 May 1936 — Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters
Atti-actions playing at tl>o I'ahiee r riicatrc this.wcck are: \Vc(tncsu:iy—'The Little Big Shot ' \vitli that now sts»rlet Sybil d ason. Thurs. &Kii. —A new smart eo:..cd,\ hit. 'Ml' You C'oidd Only t,'ook" Ilcrd( rt Mar>hall. Joan Arthur and Leo t ■arri!lo. Saturda,\ only—"Moonlight Murdcr u brand new mystery tliriller with C'hoster Morris Sun. Mon. —That sj>arkling Noii(jster Lily Pons in hor lirsr picture "I dream Too Mueh." The music in this l J i.eturc will be a sptHiial ,trear to lovei"s of good muisio. AT THE EMPIHE: j Toda,v aiiil Toiuorrow—Ed,\vard j Arnold'and Peter Lorre in ! thar startling dnima "Crime and puinshnient"' together I \vith ojH?ning ohapters <k Tho Miracle Rider", with that real westera star Tom Mix. Fri. & Sat.—A spccial Filipino ' Pieturt\" "Ang Buhoh Xi Ester , ' , Sun. & Mon.—A strong dou.ble bill \vith Lew Aj*ers, Claire Trevor, Jack Haley and Za- , .-2;u Pitts, in that superuir J Tonie". Anotlier stirruig \Vestern v *Ridiivg Wild"' \vith Tim McCoy, riding the range in a war to death in the second feature.